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For the last 40 years Trish has designed, produced, and marketed thousands of handwovens and wearable art items. Trish has provided education and workshops for artists and designers, produced fashion shows and conferences, and provided services to connect designers, handweavers and fiber artists with equipment and materials suppliers.

About Trish Lange

Trish designs her own patterns then weaves one of a kind garments, production style, and has sold over 5000 pieces of clothing. Her passion for glamour, humor, and nontraditional materials like plastic signage tape, bubble wrap, mylar, shopping bags, etc. manifests itself into runway and competition ensembles. She began recycling materials years before it became popular, even using the tiniest handwoven scraps in original cards, books, and dolls. She has produced, exhibited, and modeled in many fashion shows, also curated Wearable Expressions, a biennial juried international show.

In addition to winning several awards and participating in numerous gallery exhibits, she has been featured in magazines, newspapers, four cable T.V. shows, three movies, and two books of only her work. She loves teaching, lecturing, and sharing her unique approach to clothing design for handweavers and has done this nationally and at Convergence, the international handweavers’ conference.  Her love of textiles has recently led to experimenting in related fiber techniques including discharge, contemporary felting, surface design, and patchwork, all in an effort to channel her creative energy.

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